Wednesday, March 7, 2018

MARCH 5, 2018

Well I hit my 6 month mark finally! I officially have a year left and I am turning 21 on Sunday!! That is crazy! I feel old now just because time has flown by so quickly. 

Anyways this week has been really amazing! It has been one of the best in the past 3 months. Orange Crest is known as the Rich area and the hard area. That are my thoughts on it though. 

On Tuesday I got a blessing from my Zone Leaders. It was a good blessing. I felt so comforted by it. The biggest miracles of this week are about Jerry Phillips and Jacob Swartz.(Yup teaching someone who has the same name as my little brother.)

Okay so we met with The Phillips on Tuesday night. It was a bomb lesson!! The spirit there was so amazing and we answered all of her concerns about the Apostasy. Sister Wilde and I have been studying for weeks for this lesson too. I was able to share a section from the Our Search For Happiness by Elder M Russel Ballard of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. It was exactly what Sister Phillips needed to hear. By the end she told us she defiantly had a lot to think about now.

Then there is Jacob. The first time we met with him he mentioned that didn't believe in God or in Agency. Literally Reminds me so much of how my brother used to be. Anyways on Wednesday he got his Appendix removed. We brought cookies over to him the next day. We talked for a little bit and then left. Saturday evening we text him to just see how he is doing. He then replies back with good and I read all of 1 Nephi and most of 2 Nephi. 
 This made Sister Wilde and I so happy. Two days and he read all of that!!! Just shows how committed he is. Then the next day we go over to see him because he wanted a blessing of healing. Brother Gubler and Brother Ridge gave him a blessing of healing. It was super cool. They also explained to him what a priesthood blessing was. 

Miracles Will happen!!!!!!!! 

Yeah so that was my awesome week. This week is the last week of the transfer so sad because Sister Wilde goes home. :( I'm going to miss her a lot. By May and June Sister Garrow and Sister Manaea will be home. It's all bitter sweet that is for sure. 

Also all I have is past pictures so here are a bunch of pictures from our temple day which was 3 weeks ago....

Have an Awesome week!!!

Sister Adams

FEBRUARY 26, 2018

My apologies for not writing a group email last week. On the bright side I am writing one now :)

Last Tuesday was our P-day because the Library was closed due to Presidents Day.  Anyways we go to Target to pick up some Face Wash and when we come out this homeless man comes up to us. He mentions that he is hungry. He asked us for some money to buy him something. We didn't have any cash on us. We decided to buy him a chicken sandwich from Chick Fil A.  We ended up buying two and brought them back to him. He had a friend with him as well so they split both sandwich's. The cool part is we had no idea that there would be another guy. We still bought two sandwich's anyways. That just made me smile 

Okay now for this week since I had to share last weeks miracle. President Hammon just announced that we are getting Smart Phones come the end of April. I am way excited to get technology since I had it in the Salt Lake City West Mission. The bad news is well the tablet I bought won't be used here. Which means I have to buy a Smart Phone to use out here. 
    On Thursday we had Zone Conference and got trained on Smart Phones. It was amazing and I felt the spirit so strongly. I know that by having Smart Phones that the lord is furthering his work and it will make things easier. 

    Sorry to make this email short, but I don't have too much to update you all on this week. Mainly because it was kind of a slow week. However The members of the Orange Crest Ward are going to help us better by providing Fellow shippers for investigators that we have. I am excited because that means the work will really start to pick up now. Ha only took 10 weeks, but oh well. 

I hope this week is awesome!!!

Funny story Sister Wilde's Mom sent her the same dress I have in her Valentines Day Package. So now we are twinners. If you want to see the picture of us twinning it will be in my mission president's blog. I will try to get a hold of it for those who are unable to see the picture.

Sister Adams