Monday, April 2, 2018

MARCH 26, 2018

Wow this week has been an interesting one for sure. This week Susan and Jacob paused us! Aka they don't want to meet with missionaries anymore.
 We had an appointment with Jacob this last Saturday at 3pm and he answered the door and told us that he doesnt want to investigate the church anymore and would like to be removed from our contact list. Yeah bullet in the heart.... 
     Susan paused us too! She said her heart just isnt in it anymore. She did say that probably later down the road she would like to meet with us again.
They will be ready someday. The best part of this week was the Blitz we had for our area! We recieved 12 referrals from that. A blitz is where all of the missionaries in the zone come together and help with other missionaries areas. They will contact people they meet on the street and then hand us the information to later go by them. We were able to recieve 12 peoples names total from that. Elder Gregory and Elder Rose told us about Alyssa and Rapheal and how Alyssa had almost gotten baptized back when she lived in Utah. She had moved here and lost contact with the missionaries until the Elders talked to her. 
 Huge miracles to get those names. I love being a missionary and am so excited to be serving here in California. 

That is my week in a nut shell. Also this Saturday and Sunday is General Conference and I invite all of you to watch it. Anyways have an amazing week!!!

Sister Adams

MARCH 19, 2018

So Monday was transfers and last minute I got told I was getting two companions. I also had to move appartments so things were a bit crazy. My two new companions are Sister Price and Sister Winters. They are so fun to be with! Sister Price is from Rock Springs, Wyoming and Sister Winters is from Coville,Utah! Sister Price has been out 9 months while Sister Winters has been out 6 months. 

Also on the 11th was Stake Conference and my birthday. We had 2 investigators at Church!!! WOhooo! Then we ran into this women named Maria on the Street. We went by on Thursday night with two members. Guess what happened the daughter answered the door and said they were Catholic and that Maria is mentally handicap. So She shut the door on us. It was an interesting experience. 

Also we are in the transition to Smartphones and it is going well. I don't have my phone yet, but I will soon.....

Anyways I'm going to be short this week and say that we scheduled 2 appointments with investigators for this week. 

Also I want to express how thankful I am for the Book of Mormon. I know that is true and that by reading it you will grow closer to God. I know because I have asked Heavenly Father if it is true and I have pondered its words. God is real and he loves all of his Children! He wants each and every person on this Earth to know that he is there. He will answer your prayers as you earnestly seek him. Turn to him with whatever is going on in your life. He will give you comfort in times of need and he will bless you in ways you couldn't imagine. I say these things in our beloved saviors name Jesus christ, Amen

I hope that this week is amazing!!! 

Sister Adams

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

MARCH 5, 2018

Well I hit my 6 month mark finally! I officially have a year left and I am turning 21 on Sunday!! That is crazy! I feel old now just because time has flown by so quickly. 

Anyways this week has been really amazing! It has been one of the best in the past 3 months. Orange Crest is known as the Rich area and the hard area. That are my thoughts on it though. 

On Tuesday I got a blessing from my Zone Leaders. It was a good blessing. I felt so comforted by it. The biggest miracles of this week are about Jerry Phillips and Jacob Swartz.(Yup teaching someone who has the same name as my little brother.)

Okay so we met with The Phillips on Tuesday night. It was a bomb lesson!! The spirit there was so amazing and we answered all of her concerns about the Apostasy. Sister Wilde and I have been studying for weeks for this lesson too. I was able to share a section from the Our Search For Happiness by Elder M Russel Ballard of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. It was exactly what Sister Phillips needed to hear. By the end she told us she defiantly had a lot to think about now.

Then there is Jacob. The first time we met with him he mentioned that didn't believe in God or in Agency. Literally Reminds me so much of how my brother used to be. Anyways on Wednesday he got his Appendix removed. We brought cookies over to him the next day. We talked for a little bit and then left. Saturday evening we text him to just see how he is doing. He then replies back with good and I read all of 1 Nephi and most of 2 Nephi. 
 This made Sister Wilde and I so happy. Two days and he read all of that!!! Just shows how committed he is. Then the next day we go over to see him because he wanted a blessing of healing. Brother Gubler and Brother Ridge gave him a blessing of healing. It was super cool. They also explained to him what a priesthood blessing was. 

Miracles Will happen!!!!!!!! 

Yeah so that was my awesome week. This week is the last week of the transfer so sad because Sister Wilde goes home. :( I'm going to miss her a lot. By May and June Sister Garrow and Sister Manaea will be home. It's all bitter sweet that is for sure. 

Also all I have is past pictures so here are a bunch of pictures from our temple day which was 3 weeks ago....

Have an Awesome week!!!

Sister Adams

FEBRUARY 26, 2018

My apologies for not writing a group email last week. On the bright side I am writing one now :)

Last Tuesday was our P-day because the Library was closed due to Presidents Day.  Anyways we go to Target to pick up some Face Wash and when we come out this homeless man comes up to us. He mentions that he is hungry. He asked us for some money to buy him something. We didn't have any cash on us. We decided to buy him a chicken sandwich from Chick Fil A.  We ended up buying two and brought them back to him. He had a friend with him as well so they split both sandwich's. The cool part is we had no idea that there would be another guy. We still bought two sandwich's anyways. That just made me smile 

Okay now for this week since I had to share last weeks miracle. President Hammon just announced that we are getting Smart Phones come the end of April. I am way excited to get technology since I had it in the Salt Lake City West Mission. The bad news is well the tablet I bought won't be used here. Which means I have to buy a Smart Phone to use out here. 
    On Thursday we had Zone Conference and got trained on Smart Phones. It was amazing and I felt the spirit so strongly. I know that by having Smart Phones that the lord is furthering his work and it will make things easier. 

    Sorry to make this email short, but I don't have too much to update you all on this week. Mainly because it was kind of a slow week. However The members of the Orange Crest Ward are going to help us better by providing Fellow shippers for investigators that we have. I am excited because that means the work will really start to pick up now. Ha only took 10 weeks, but oh well. 

I hope this week is awesome!!!

Funny story Sister Wilde's Mom sent her the same dress I have in her Valentines Day Package. So now we are twinners. If you want to see the picture of us twinning it will be in my mission president's blog. I will try to get a hold of it for those who are unable to see the picture.

Sister Adams

Saturday, February 17, 2018

FEBRUARY 12, 2018

Elder Jeffery R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has said: “Don’t give up. … Don’t you quit. You keep walking. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead. … You keep your chin up. It will be all right in the end. Trust in God and believe in good things to come.

So alot of you know that I have been going through a lot right now. So this quote has really helped me. I love having this gospel in my life. Preaching God's word has been a huge miracle to me. The reason is well it took me almost two years to get out here. I had almost thought I wouldn't serve. Things changed for me when I decided to Call my bishop one last time. At that point my whole desire to serve was gone. I had started applying to schools and looking into apartments down in Provo. However I got a prompting to text my bishop and ask him about the mission papers. He told me to call and I did. In that moment all of my desire to serve came back. I was excited to serve and couldn't wait to start the papers. I finished the papers really quick and sacrificed some sleep. I was that excited. Granted I didn't submit them in one day, but I had all but the medical stuff done in one night. Now here I am serving a mission in California. Somewhere i never imagined I would be go. I love it so very much and would never change the decision to serve. I have seen so many miracles out here. I have seen so many come closer to God because they decided to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. I know without a doubt that this is Christ's church on the Earth today! 
If at any point you are struggling or doubting in God I would tell you to pray to God. I promise you he is there. He is real and I know because I am here on a mission. What I have been through in my 20 years of life has shown me that God is there. He saved me from death at times. He helped me when things were tough. He will answer your prayers. Trust in him and all will work out.

One last thing. Also we did a days for girls service and sewed bags for girls in Africa. I got to use a serger I was so happy about that!!! Ha mainly because I love sewing. We are going to the temple on Thursday and I am so excited about it. Time is running out for me to email. Time is short that is for sure. We picked up 4 new investigators last week. And ha are kind of being Poachers of the YSA only because she isn't ready to be passed off to the YSA elders yet. She needs to feel more comfortable and let us know which ward she wants to go to. 

I hope you all have an awesome week!!!
Also huge news! My MTC teacher got engaged!!! I'm super excited and happy for her!!!!

Sister Adams

Saturday, February 10, 2018

FEBRUARY 5, 2018

Hi family and friends!

    This week has been an awesome start to the new transfer. I forgot to mention that Sister Wilde and I are staying together for this transfer. Which means I get to kill her off! Not a literal kill but mission lingo for her going home on March 13th. Which is when the transfer ends. Well it ends on March 11th, aka my birthday!!! But she goes home on Wednesday of that week. Time here flies by way too quickly!! It's already February 5th!! 
    Well the good news about the pain is that Pelvic ultra sounds came back normal!! As for the pain well I'm not sure yet. Things will be okay. I try to have a positive attitude about it all. I have another doctors appointment on Wednesday to discuss the Ultra sound and also about the rapid weight gain. They think it might be my thyroid so I will find out tomorrow or Wednesday about it all. I have been eating healthier than I did on the SLSW mission. I had to cut out sugar and junk food. So yay for that plus right?! Also we got to clean up litter around riverside on Saturday morning. So that was fun! 

Miracle of the Week:
We picked up 3 new investigators and possibly a whole family. One is a member of the Sandals Church. She is awesome though and open about learning more. We plan to meet with her again sometime this week. We also picked up a family on Friday. We taught them the Restoration. They are both Catholic, but are still pretty open about learning. They told us they felt the spirit during the lesson, and that what we taught them wasn't anything new to them. They said they would pray and read the Book of Mormon. Their only concern is baptism, since they have both been baptized through their church already. However, they weren't fully immersed or had it done by proper authority. Through time I know they will commit to baptism. 

Well I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Sister Adams

JANUARY 29, 2018

Another Pday has come!! 

Again I'm majorly sorry at my time management! I really should email some of you back.... I feel bad. 

    First off I experienced my first Earthquake. It was a 4.1. Also it happened at 2am so yes it scared me. I didn't know what to expect out of an earthquake and especially in the middle of the night. Not cool. I don't scare easily, but interrupt my sleep then yes you will have scared me. It made a cool rumbling noise though. 

    Transfers happened which means a new AP and we are staying together. Not a big surprise about staying together. Almost done with training!!! Only 6 more weeks to go. I will forever not be a big fan of 12 weeks. Especially doing it twice, but that is okay. 

       Hmm well we dropped literally almost all of our investigators.... No one seems to be progressing, but we have high hopes for this next transfer. I would love to have a baptism on my birthday. That would be the best birthday present ever! Only 6 weeks until I turn 21! Crazy right!!!! 

    To be short I won't explain too much about it. So the pain is still there even after the switch of medication. I plan to go back to the doctors on the 13th to figure more things out. I also went and met with my mission president and told him what was going on. He offered so much peace and advice. He also gave me a blessing which was a really neat experience. It left me in tears because it was everything that I needed. I wrote it all down so that I will never forget. I'm so grateful to have an awesome mission president. He has helped me a lot. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week!! God loves you all!!!! 

Funny story My mission president was once upon a time the UVU president before he became mission president this last July. 

Sister Adams

JANUARY 22, 2018

I'm sorry I just had to write about the fact that there is no snow here. Only because you all got dumped with so much snow. Plus I so don't miss the snow. It has been in the 80s a lot lately. Sometimes a bit too hot. Also I will be cutting this email short because I'm limited on time. So I apologize. I will be better at responding to people next week. Also I hit my 5 month mark next week. Crazy!!
Highlight of the week:
    We had a special ward fast on Thursday. Sister Wilde and I fasted to be able to find a family to teach and baptize before the end of next transfer. Let me tell ya fasting is not an easy thing for me. I get super dizzy and feel sick from it. This time around add on pain. It was hard, but I did it anyways. I knew Heavenly Father would give me the strength to carry through. He did. When we got to Testimony meeting that evening the spirit came over me so strongly. It was so cool to be able to see so many members there. All of them fasting for missionary work for their ward. I'm so blessed to be in this area and to have so many members willing to help the Lord's work progress. It amazes me everyday!!! I love being a missionary. Also some of the members got up and bore their testimonies about how Sister Wilde and I share such powerful messages to them. It's great to see that even members get something out of what we share. 
  Also We met with Fabby finally!!!!! She is seriously the best! She is so strong and has gone through so much. She told us about how her son isn't making good decisions and it saddens her. We told her that it will be alright and asked her if she wanted a priesthood blessing. She said yes she would. We also taught her about Christ's Atonement. It was cool because her son had been listening to this really loud video. Then he turned it to christian music and turned it down. The spirit touched him as well!!! Also we asked her to be baptized and she said YES!!! So we committed her to Feb. 18th. 

    I hope you all have wonderful week.

Sister Adams

JANUARY 9, 2018

Well it has been a wonderful week I may have to cut this email short this week due to running out of time. I'll be brief.
I went on exchanges this week. They do things differently as far as STLs go. Only one of the sisters in a companionship is an STL(Sister Training Leader)  which means we do exchanges twice. We have Hermana Grover as the STL. She went to our area while I went with Hermana Hernandez Sanchez. Cool experience going to the Spanish area again!!! The Spanish area holds a special place in my heart. I love the people there which is why I got called to Cali. Anyways I got to have a wonderful opportunity to be in Moreno Valley
Sister Hernandez Sanchez is awesome. She taught me how to pray and testify in Spanish. I had the opportunity during one of the lessons to bear my testimony in Spanish. That was pretty cool. We are going on exchanges again tomorrow night. I will be staying in the Area with Hermana Grover. I'm excited to see what I will be able to learn from her. I learned a lot from Sister Hernandez Sanchez. During on of the lessons things started to take a downwards turn. We were teaching Maria about the restoration. She had a friend over who participated in the lesson. The friend was a born again Christian and didn't want anything to do with the Book of Mormon. She almost convinced her friend Maria not to read the Book of Mormon. Sister Hernandez Sanchez bore a powerful testimony and was able to keep Maria as an investigator. It was cool how even though I know very few words in Spanish that I still knew what was going on. Also we ate Shrimp Soup that a member made for us and La Rosca. If I messed up the spelling my bad. It was all super yummy. 
Anyways my doctors appointment is tomorrow so hopefully all goes well with that. I got a nasty cold as well. The one time I let my guard down. Anywho I'm taking stuff for that so I feel loads better. Thankfully it's not the Flu because that is spreading like wildfire down here in Cali. Oh also its been raining for the past 2 days which is awesome!!! I love rain. Have a wonderful week my friends and family. 
Your friend,
Sister Adams ( secretly hoping to be Hermana Adams in the near future. kidding)